Saturday 25 March 2017

Nato Phonetic Alphabet

Phonetic Alphabet
The military alphabet is a list of code words that are assigned to each letter of the English alphabet. This is called a phonetic or spelling alphabet. This technique is used by our police and aviation. 
Can you name any other groups that use this alphabet?
Using these code words instead of letters makes it easier to understand combinations of letters over the phone or radio.
For example, there are many letters in the English language that sound similar when pronounced over the phone. These include B, D, E, P and T. The letters M and N are also easily confused over the phone.
To ensure that your communication is clear, you can use the military alphabet to get your point across clearly.
Your mission: Write a 'bush related' word/secret message using this alphabet. Use a - between each word.
e.g. aloe vera: 
Alpha , Lima, Oscar, Echo  - Victor, Echo, Romeo, Alpha
The next person has to solve your problem and write their own!


  1. Hi Miss Edhouse,here is my secret bush related word,victor,india,november,echo,sierra.
    From Ella.

  2. Hi Miss Edhouse, this is my bush related secret word: bravo, india, victor, oscar, uniform, alfa, charlie.

    From Nick

    1. Great secret message Nick. Can you solve Ella's first and then write your own? That means the next person can try and solve your message and then write their own for someone else to solve... very secret squirrel!

  3. Good one Nick and the answer is bivouac here's mine:kilo, Yankee, Alfa, kilo, India, November, golf. Decode that. By Zak

    1. Great work - Zak! I think it is Kilo, Alpha, Yankee, Alpha, Kilo, India, November, Golf

    2. Hey Zak, your word is kayaking. Mine is:Bravo, Uniform, Sierra, Hotel.
      From Liam

    3. Hi liam your word is bush. My words are golf romeo echo echo november - tango romeo echo echo. From Tyler

  4. Hi Miss Edhouse my words to you are BRAVO,ECHO,SIERRA,TANGO-CHARLIE,ALFA,SIERRA,SIERRA-ECHO,VICTOR,ECHO,ROMEO I beet your going to laugh after figuring out my sentence Ha Ha!
    by Jazmine

    1. Hi Jaz :) Is your mystery message BEST CLASS EVER?

  5. Nice work Tyler your words are green tree.try and solve this: bravo, uniform,Sierra, hotel, Alfa, Lima, kilo. Good luck.

  6. Nice one Analise your word was bushalk I like it

  7. I loved doing this type of aalphabet

  8. My word is..... Kilo,India,November,golf
