Saturday 25 March 2017

Nato Phonetic Alphabet

Phonetic Alphabet
The military alphabet is a list of code words that are assigned to each letter of the English alphabet. This is called a phonetic or spelling alphabet. This technique is used by our police and aviation. 
Can you name any other groups that use this alphabet?
Using these code words instead of letters makes it easier to understand combinations of letters over the phone or radio.
For example, there are many letters in the English language that sound similar when pronounced over the phone. These include B, D, E, P and T. The letters M and N are also easily confused over the phone.
To ensure that your communication is clear, you can use the military alphabet to get your point across clearly.
Your mission: Write a 'bush related' word/secret message using this alphabet. Use a - between each word.
e.g. aloe vera: 
Alpha , Lima, Oscar, Echo  - Victor, Echo, Romeo, Alpha
The next person has to solve your problem and write their own!

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Wonder Plants

Our Inquiry Unit: Child vs Wild
Setting the scene: At school we have exploring this scenario: If we were hurt whilst in the wilderness which plants could we use to help us heal?

Wonder Plants

The Native Bush is full of wonderful plants that have the power to help us heal. 

Your challenge: Research a healing a plant (found within NZ).

Please record: Name of the plant and a key fact.